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Née en Allemagne, éduquée en France, résidant aux États-Unis, ayant vécu dans cinq pays, détenant deux passeports et sautant d'une langue et d'une culture à l'autre confortablement en anglais, français, allemand et espagnol, Marion est vraiment née et éduquée pour travailler dans un cadre commercial mondial international.

Sandy Hook - Killzone USA

Professional Highlights

I am passionate about my work. I always give 100%.


* Applying solid organizational and logistical skills on all productions, resulting   in streamlined, budget-friendly shoots. No zig-zagging travel with me.

*Working in many languages on the same project, especially on border stories. 

*Being able to bridge cultures and languages, code switching to relate to interviewees equally, whether they are Spanish-speaking workers or show business VIPs.

*Never having missed a deadline in over a decade of weekly PR campaigns. The story went out 5 am on Mondays, come rain or shine.

*Applying my grandmother's etiquette rule: treat everyone as you want to be treated. I am always polite, whether I am talking to a president or a gang OG. Yes, they are not that different from each other.

* My proven track record in award submission writing for my event and entertainment PR clients. They have worked tirelessly to deliver event success and I am honored to be trusted to present the story to award committees.

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It's always a new adventure!

No other occupation in the world allows me to explore the rainforest for a lost city in Honduras and follow that up with a Hollywood Award Show Red Carpet.

Some of my favorite memories:

*being invited by the National Guard to fly along on their Black Hawk helicopters to cover the catastrophes of the Great Flood of the Mississippi

*working on the largest private cattle ranch in the USA

*filming orca pods around Hanson Island, British Columbia, Canada

*landing and catapulting off air craft carrier USS Carl Vinson

*saving piglets from a flood while filming

*interviewing Hugh Hefner

*meeting Stevie Nicks backstage after a corporate concert appearance

*interviewing Quincy Jones

*filming on top of the world - Maunakea Observatory - on my birthday

*Getting a behind-the-scenes look at traditional taro fields on Oahu


Awards & Honors

California Legislative Assembly Certificate of Recognition
Issuer: California Legislative Assembly

Presented to MARION RENK-ROSENTHAL in Honor of: your outstanding involvement and participation with the Orange County Children's Therapeutic Arts Center (OCCTAC), contributing hours of volunteer work snd making a difference in our communities, on the occasion of OCCTAC's Family and Arts Festival. Presented June 14, 2008. Jose Solorio, State Assemblyman.

Commendation by Genesis Awards

Brigitte Bardot International Award

"Orcas - Der Wal Corki" for Spiegel TV

Throwing Caps


Master's Degree 


Faculté des Lettres, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France

Degree Name: Master

Field Of Study: Applied Foreign Languages in Business and Law

Dates attended: 1979 – 1983

Academic Exchange in 1981/82, spent the Bachelor year at Portsmouth University, United Kingdom.

Clients récents 

*arte      *ARD     *ZDF   *Raphaela Film GmbH


   *DOX82      *Vincent Productions     *Télévision Spiegel   


  *DHF Médias   *360ºmédiane  

*EventWorks     * Divertissement d'imagination    

* Productions EPlus

©Marion Renk-Rosenthal.

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